“My initial impression
was red: a poppy field,
a sunrise, an umbrella….”

-excerpt “My First Still Life” broadcasted on The Habit Podcast (starts 23:20); read the poem here.)

In this poem about my father, a fourth-generation farmer on my family’s farm in northeastern Colorado, I explore the aesthetic beauty of Impressionism and the awe of a farmer who looks to a new day after loss. This poem is me in stanza form: my voice, my land, my loss, my home, my one day.

I am a poet, author, and higher education freelance editor in southern California. Born the fifth generation on my family’s farm in Colorado and a classically trained pianist, I meld in my writing aurality, rural life, and empathy through the varied voices and lives of those I observe. A rare health condition keeps me from living in Colorado near my family’s farm, so my poetry and writing reach for home — both temporal and eternal.

Read more about my condition and Who keeps me pressing on and living with Hope — Behold.


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